Chemgentia is a global trade analytics tool that provides up-to-date information on international importers and exporters. We appreciate the trust you place in us for protecting and storing your personal information carefully and in accordance with applicable law. This Privacy Policy details Chemgentia’s information collection and dissemination practices. In this Privacy Policy, references to “you”/ “your” refer to anyone submitting data to Chemgentia, whether through our website – or otherwise

To ensure that you have a record of this privacy policy, we suggest printing a copy for your future reference. It is important to read and understand this Privacy Policy to learn about the parties with whom we share your personal data, the purposes for which it is shared, and the options available to you regarding the collection and use of your Personal Data by us. By accessing and using the website and its services, you are indicating your acceptance of the terms outlined in this policy.

General Information

  • This Privacy Policy outlines the practices of the Chemgentia website regarding the collection, storage, and usage of personal information. Chemgentia will handle your personal information in accordance with this policy and applicable data protection laws.
  • Please note that we may update our Privacy Policy from time to time and it is your responsibility to review the Privacy Policy regularly. If you do not agree with the Privacy Policy or any changes to it, you must stop using the website. By continuing to use the website, you are accepting the Privacy Policy and any changes made to it.
  • By using our website, you are giving your consent for us to collect, use, and share your personal data as outlined in our Privacy Policy.
  • The videos in the course are provided as a video stream and are not downloadable.
  • By agreeing to grant such access, the Company does not obligate itself to maintain the course, or to maintain it in its present form.

Privacy Assurance

  • Chemgentia takes steps to safeguard personal information and prevent unauthorized access and interception. However, it is important to note that no internet site can completely eliminate security risks.
  • At Chemgentia, we prioritize data privacy and take appropriate measures to ensure that your data is protected. We have implemented safeguards to maintain the security and confidentiality of your information. Regardless of where your data is processed, we ensure that your rights and privacy remain the same.
  • Please refrain from sharing the password you choose during registration to access our site and ensure it is changed regularly. Additionally, it is advisable to log off and close your browser upon completing your session on our platform.

Data Collection Methods

  • Primary data collection : Chemgentia collects personal information that you provide when using our website or services. This includes information you voluntarily upload, emails you send, customer surveys you complete, feedback you provide, etc.
  • Secondary data collection : When you communicate with us or send us an email, we may collect personal information that you provide voluntarily. We also collect personal information that you publicly share on the website. Our server logs automatically collect information such as your IP address, browser type and language, cookies, web beacons, the pages visited on the website, and the date and time of your visit. This information helps us gather statistics about the website, track user activity to improve, and provide customized services.

Types of Information Collected

  • We collect personal information such as your name, age, address, contact number, date of birth, gender, email address, password, username, city, state, country, and any other information you provide to us. We may also collect location information to personalize your experience. Additionally, we gather audience-based data from various social media platforms.
  • Secondary data collection : When you communicate with us or send us an email, we may collect personal information that you provide voluntarily. We also collect personal information that you publicly share on the website. Our server logs automatically collect information such as your IP address, browser type and language, cookies, web beacons, the pages visited on the website, and the date and time of your visit. This information helps us gather statistics about the website, track user activity to improve, and provide customized services.

Why We Collect Your Personal Data

  • To assess and enhance services and features.
  • To provide more user-friendly services by improving content on our website.
  • To maintain internal records.
  • To respond to your concerns.
  • To invite you to participate in surveys or research about Lifescience Intellipedia Pvt. Ltd.
  • To update you on new offers, upcoming events, and changes in the Privacy Policy.

How We Use Your Personal Information

Your personal information may be used for :

  • To record, support, and facilitate the delivery of services that you have purchased from us.
  • Making it easier for you to navigate and customize your experience on the website.
  • To send you important information regarding the Chemgentia website, terms and conditions, policies, and various administrative insights.
  • To assist you with any issues related to the website, including technical problems.
  • Enhancing the quality of our content and services.
  • Our team monitors for suspicious activities and takes immediate action to ensure safety and prevent identity theft.
  • Responding to subpoenas, court orders, or judicial processes.
  • Cooperating with law enforcement agencies for any investigation concerning public safety.

Use of Cookies

Cookies are small text files that are placed on your system when you visit any website. These include tiny bits of information, such as a login and password, and are used to identify your machine when you are connected to its network. For protecting your personal data, monitoring activities on our site and better serving your needs and interests, we're using cookies.

Your Rights

  • You can obtain a file on your personal data, categories of data process, and third- parties getting whom the data is being shared.
  • You have the right to rectify or update your personal information that is in our possession.
  • You have the right to access, reuse, and transfer your personal data, either directly or through a third party of your choice.

Automated Profiling and Decision Making

We may use automated profiling for our email campaigns to track your interactions with our emails. This allows us to evaluate your interest in our services and provide you with relevant content based on your interests. This helps us identify and target potential customers or business partners.


The website is not intended for individuals under the age of 18, and as such, they are not permitted to view or register with the website. Only individuals aged 18 or above may register and post material on the website. By registering or posting material, you confirm that you are over 18 years of age. If you are representing a company or entity, you confirm that you have the authority to agree to this Privacy Policy on their behalf.

Security Controls

We have implemented robust security measures, such as HTTPS, to safeguard your data. Our systems are regularly monitored to identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities and threats. However, it is important to note that no internet site can guarantee complete security. As such, it is your responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of any information we send to you and to comply with any security procedures we may notify you of.

Updates on the Privacy Policy

We make every reasonable effort to ensure that this policy remains up to date. We encourage you to periodically review this privacy policy page to stay informed of any changes. Please note that we reserve the right to modify or supplement this privacy policy at any time, in compliance with applicable data protection laws.

Links to Other Sites

We provide links to other websites for your convenience and information. These sites may have their own privacy policies; which we recommend you review. We are not responsible for the content, use, or privacy practices of linked sites. This privacy policy applies only to information collected by this site.

Contact Us

  • Should you have any inquiries or concerns pertaining to this Privacy Policy or the handling of your personal data, please do not hesitate to contact Chemgentia for further assistance.

• Your personal information may be accessed under the following conditions:

o If you would like to have a copy of your personal information that we hold.

o If you would like your personal information removed from our website after it was uploaded by someone else without your consent.

If you are a registered website user, please provide the username and email address originally used at the time of registration. We might need further information to confirm your identity in order to protect your privacy.
We will act quickly on your request to remedy the situation. Please be aware that any account you have established with us can be permanently deleted.

Contact Details:-

Shabbir Ahmed

RUA DA Liberdade 104RC- Brandoa, 2650- 425, Amadora, Lisboa, Portugal
Email -