Our service, company data is offered in both curated and non-curated formats. The non-curated analysis encompasses raw data from multiple chapters, whereas the curated data comprises meticulously cleaned information extracted from chapters 28 and 29.

Curated company data is accessible through various search parameters, including HS code, CAS number, and product name, chapter number, time period (from-to), importer name and country, as well as exporter name and country.

Curated company analysis provides comprehensive data, including detailed elements such as date, chapter number, HS code, product description, curated product, CAS number, product quantity, units, unit value (USD), invoice unit FC, invoice currency, total FOB value (INR), FOB value (USD), buyer name, curated buyer name, buyer country, curated buyer country, supplier name, curated supplier name, supplier country, and curated supplier country.

Speacilities: - • Special representation: - The curated company analyzed data is meticulously prepared in different formats for the ease of clients. You can access the data in tabular form, with graphical view, and also in graph table format.

cas search

• Reports download : - If you want systematically made file for curated company data, you can download the MIS reports and also get the excel file with the data.

• Advanced filters: - Our advanced filter are helping the clients access data in simpler way. You can search data by using 4 or 6 number HS code, unit (kg, grams, Mts, etc), importer country or name, exporter country and exporter name.

• Important details :- It also gives you specific and unique data on price trends analysis (buyer wise, supplier wise, country wise), total shipment, number of exporter and importer, importer and exporter countries.